Wednesday, November 3, 2010

week 5 EOC: Heath Care Reform

Health reform makes health care more affordable, holds insurers more accountable, expands coverage to all Americans and makes our health system sustainable.

As employers, we provide health to 160 million Americans, when you include dependents. So the health care delivery system is based on employer provided insurance. The question is how do we as purchasers drive higher value, higher quality and get the delivery system to achieve better outcomes. Today's system is is too focused on acute care for illness. We pour in resources after people get very sick rather than invest in the management of chronic disease. We think this presents a huge opportunity for better health, better care, better costs.

USCCB Position on Health Care Reform
  • a truly universal health policy with respect for human life and dignity
  • access for all with a special concern for the poor and inclusion of immigrants
  • pursuing the common good and preserving pluralism including freedom of conscience and variety of options
  • restraining costs and applying them equitably across the spectrum of payers

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