Friday, November 26, 2010


The marketing effort will convey the sense of quality, luxury, excitement, nightlife, and satisfaction in every picture, every promotion, and every publication. "Personal selling is the interpersonal arm of the promotion mix. A company’s salespeople create and communicate customer value through personal interactions with customers."
(Marketing : an introduction / Gary Armstrong, Philip Kotler. — page 413. H3AT* promotional strategy will involve advertising, community events, public relations, direct marketing and internet marketing. Advertising will include print ads in entertainment related magazines and newsletters, billboards, luxury magazines. 30 minute TV ad to attendants of events. H3AT* will pride itself on its production ability, luxurious quality and presentation, and will be known as "The Nightlife Beer "
A good sales structure can mean the difference between success and failure. Over time, sales force structures can grow complex, inefficient, and unresponsive to customers’ needs. Companies should periodically review their sales force organizations to be certain that they serve the needs of the company and its customers.
(Marketing : an introduction / Gary Armstrong, Philip Kotler. — page 419
H3AT's* motto :
" Passion for beer, love for the nightlife" will be the core of H3AT's* image.

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